Smart TV got Water? (Do This To Avoid High Costs)

Smart TVs have become essential components of modern households, offering a plethora of entertainment options such asย watching moviesย and TV shows, and smart features. However, accidents can happen, and one of the worst scenarios is when water comes into contact with your smart TV. Whether it’s a spill, a leak, or another mishap, dealing with water damage can be stressful and costly. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what to do if your smart TV gets water and how to minimize the associated costs while ensuring the best possible outcome.

 Immediate Action

1. Immediate Action

If your smart TV comes into contact with water, the first step is to act swiftly to prevent further damage. Immediately unplug the TV from the power source to reduce the risk of electrical short circuits. Avoid turning on the TV or attempting to operate it until it has been thoroughly inspected and deemed safe by a professional technician. Carefully move the TV to a dry and well-ventilated area to facilitate the drying process.

2. Dry the TV Thoroughly

After unplugging the TV and moving it to a safe location, focus on drying it thoroughly to prevent water from causing internal damage. Use absorbent materials such as towels or paper towels to blot away excess moisture from the exterior surfaces of the TV. Avoid using heat sources such as hairdryers or heaters, as excessive heat can damage sensitive components inside the TV. Instead, allow the TV to air dry naturally for at least 24 to 48 hours before attempting to power it on again.

3. Inspect for Damage

Once the TV has been thoroughly dried, carefully inspect it for signs of water damage. Look for water droplets, moisture buildup, or discoloration on the exterior and interior surfaces of the TV. Pay close attention to areas such as the ports, connectors, and circuit boards, where water is most likely to accumulate. If you notice any signs of damage, corrosion, or malfunction, refrain from powering on the TV and seek professional assistance from a qualified technician.

4. Consult a Professional Technician

If you suspect that your smart TV has sustained water damage, it’s essential to seek the expertise of a professional technician. Attempting to repair water-damaged electronics yourself can lead to further damage and void any existing warranties. Contact the manufacturer’s customer support or a reputable electronics repair service to schedule an inspection and assessment of the TV. A qualified technician can diagnose the extent of the damage, recommend necessary repairs, and provide an estimate of the associated costs.

5. Consider Insurance Coverage

If your smart TV sustains water damage due to a covered event, such as a burst pipe or a leaky roof, you may be eligible for insurance coverage to help offset the repair or replacement costs. Review your homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy to understand the extent of your coverage and any applicable deductibles or limitations. Contact your insurance provider to file a claim and initiate the claims process promptly to expedite reimbursement and minimize out-of-pocket expenses.


Dealing with water damage to your smart TV can be a stressful and costly ordeal, but taking the right steps can help mitigate the impact and ensure the best possible outcome. By acting swiftly to unplug the TV, thoroughly drying it, inspecting it for damage, consulting a professional technician, and considering insurance coverage, you can minimize costs and increase the likelihood of restoring your smart TV to proper working condition. Remember to exercise caution and prioritize safety throughout the process to avoid further damage or injury.

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