How to monitor your brand, campaigns, and influencers across social networks

Managing social networks can be challenging in many different aspects. With dozens of social media out there, having one person or a whole team is a must to monitor and coordinate a brand’s online presence.

However, if you are running a small business or don’t have enough capacity or resources, then you must equip yourself with knowledge and resources, or for example, outsource graphic design. Making your work easier and faster with proper tools is possible, and the same applies to social networks.

Finding and committing to a tool nowadays can also be challenging. This is why we decided to present you with one that allows you to monitor your brand and campaigns and manage the interaction with influencers across social networks.

Other Perspectives

Other Perspectives is an all-in-one solution for growing social media presence, developing content-related strategies and handling reports and analysis to improve overall performance. If you are less experienced and find all the terms intimidating, we have some good news!

This tool gives you a soft landing in the world of ultimate social network management while allowing you to make the most out of it by providing advanced features you may need. This platform’s dashboard is user-friendly, making it easy for anyone with an elementary knowledge of social media to create results like a professional.

Make use of reports

Once you get going and Other Perspectives gets to know your social networks, it will generate a bunch of reports and analytical overviews. Such reports don’t bring value on their own. You must make use of them.

This is possible due to actionable insights that aim to increase ROI (Return on investment). Once you see the performance of your posts through the analytics provided in this tool, it will be much easier and more efficient to plan and coordinate new content ideas.

Having such reports helps you decide the best approach if you want to utilize your social networks to promote a product or a service. Other Perspectives also allows you to track best performing posts of your competitors, so you don’t have to spend time on such research.

Plan your posts

Speaking about planning, it is essential to note that plan without execution is worth absolutely nothing. It will not bring the results and performance boost that your business needs. With this in mind, staying loyal to the plan is crucial, which also applies to posting.

However, for one reason or another, you will find yourself in a situation where this will break eventually. To avoid such problems, Other Perspectives has a powerful yet straightforward content planner which allows you to schedule your content in advance, making your daily life easier!

This will save you a lot of time in creating new content and following the actionable actions you get from analyzing analytics. Another neat feature is a rich gallery of post templates which will save you resources you would invest in making new content for your social networks.

Manage influencers

Speaking about time-saving mechanisms, if you have ever tried to agree with influencers regarding promoting your content, service, product, or brand, you must realize how time-consuming the process is. Don’t quit on the idea just yet!

Influencer marketing is one of the most powerful ways to promote your brand. Getting your brand exposed to a different audience will give you many insights, feedback, and interactions.

Creating and monitoring such campaigns with Other Perspectives will allow you to focus on analyzing these and making decisions rather than wasting your time on things that don’t bring value.


Other Perspectives is a powerful tool with a rich gallery of post templates and integrations with different platforms and allows you to generate an unlimited number of reports. In the digital world, information is the most valuable asset, so make sure you use reports and analytics provided by this tool to make the most out of your social networks.