👀 Eyes Emoji

Eyes Emoji has very many looks depending on the provider. They may look like a pair of cartoon eyes widely open either looking straight or to the left. In most of the platform, the eyes are just white with black pupils. However, there are several other providers who will show the pupils in different colors but most of them are black, hazel and Blue.

This Emoji appeared in 2010 under the name shifty eyes Emoji. It was also known as the eye Emoji. However, today there are several people who say that the eyes Emoji is just similar in meaning to the eye Emoji but they are not the same. The eye Emoji only show a single oval shaped eye while the eyes Emoji shows a pair of eyes.

Tap to Copy → 👀

Eyes Emoji was added to Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Unicode Code Point(s)
👀: U+1F440

👀 Images


Android 9.0 Pie

Google (Android 9.0 Pie)

Twemoji 11.1

Twitter (Twemoji 11.1)

Android 8.0 Oreo

Google (Android 8.0 Oreo)

Twemoji 2.3

Twitter (Twemoji 2.3)

FxEmojis 1.7.9

Mozilla (Firefox OS 2.5)

Android 7.1.1

Google (Android 7.1.1 Nougat)

👀 Codes

Shortcode :eyes:
Decimal HTML Entity 👀
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 👀
Punycode xn--lp8h
URL Escape Code %F0%9F%91%80
JavaScript & JSON \ud83d\udc40
C, C++ & Java \ud83d\udc40

What does Big Eyes Emoji mean?

The other thing is that there are several representations of the eyes Emoji today. All of the representations have different meanings. A face with rolling eye Emoji is a representation of a yellow face with a small and a closed mouth but at the same time rolling its eyes. It can either be used to show resentment, frustrations, boredom, disapproval and many more.

The big eyes Emoji is sometimes used to indicate approval of an attractive photo. The shifty eyes Emoji is used to depict disapproval. Side eyes Emoji is a representation of eyes that are distinct in their side ways. It can be used to mean that something was funny.

In simple terms, this Emoji is used to mean that someone is watching you, looking at or even seeing something. It is sometimes interpreted as being shifty since the eyes are looking slightly to the sides. It has a very shallow meaning and for this reason it can be used to mean that the sender wants to see something or approve something.

In some other cases, it can be used to mean that someone is avoiding a question or they are lying. Some others use it as a sign of surprise.

How to use the Eyes Emoji

You can get and start using this Emoji in a number of ways. The good thing is that most of smart devices have all of these Emojis. If you cannot get it there, then you can use any Emoji copy paste websites to get them. It is now very easy to type Emojis on your device. With all the websites offering this service, you just have to access one and everything else will follow.

Example uses of Eyes Emoji in conversations

‘’We know how special you are but there’s no space remaining here for you 👀’’

‘’What! She’s not here today? 👀 I didn’t expect her to miss this class’’.

‘’I came home few hours ago and am already tired of staying here 👀’’

‘’It’s not the first day that we are dealing with this; you have to warn him 👀’’

‘’Don’t worry, am watching you 👀’’

‘’I want to see more pictures 👀’’

Wait! That not a honest remark, be careful with that.