🇷🇺 Russian Flag

The Russian Flag Emoji can also appear with the Symbols letter R and U emojis. It's a special symbol who can be use on every device like tablets, smartphones and computers if you see a white box or similar symbol (򪪪) it means your device doesn't support this emoji.

Tap to Copy → 🇷🇺

The Flag Russia was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Unicode Code Point(s)
🇷: U+1F1F7
🇺: U+1F1FA

🇷🇺 Images


Twemoji 11.1

Twitter (Twemoji 11.1)

Android 8.0 Oreo

Google (Android 8.0 Oreo)

Twemoji 2.3

Twitter (Twemoji 2.3)

FxEmojis 1.7.9

Mozilla (Firefox OS 2.5)

Android 7.1.1

Google (Android 7.1.1 Nougat)

🇷🇺 Codes

Shortcode :flag_ru:
Decimal HTML Entity 🇷🇺
Hexadecimal HTML Entity 🇷🇺
Punycode xn--v77hga
URL Escape Code %F0%9F%87%B7%F0%9F%87%BA
JavaScript & JSON \ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa
C, C++ & Java \ud83c\uddf7\ud83c\uddfa

What Do The Colors And Symbols Of The Flag Of Russia Mean?

Several flags have been flown by the Russian nation. The first apparition of the banner was by Ivan the terrible's army who reigned over the country from 1547 to 1584. The banner outlasted his reign and would later be used by others rulers such as Peter the Great in different campaigns and Sophia Alekseevna. Russian military banner knew other flag under the reign of Dmitry Pozharsky and was used by the Nizhny Novgorod militia. The three colors of the flag blue, red and white. have a great significance as the red symbolized the Russian citizens, the blue symbolized the Russian monarch, and the white represented God. Peter the Great was the first to raise the flag on a ship then it was regularly used on Russian ships to be finally in 1883 approved for land use. In 1896, the flag became the Russian national flag ans would remain in use until the October Revolution. After the Tsar's government was overthrown a new flag was introduced which was closely associated with the communist government. The Soviet flag was not only used in Russia but also in other nations that were part of the Soviet Union such as Ukraine.

After the Soviet Union fallen, the Soviet banner was supplanted with the tricolor banner that had recently been utilized in Russia. One of the huge occasions that prompted the banner being changed was an endeavored upset by hardliners in the socialist party who addressed Mikhail Gorbachev's approaches. The cutting edge hail varies from the customary banner principally in the extents of the stripes. The imagery behind the hues is likewise unique as the Russian constitution does not credit any imagery to the shades of the new banner. Be that as it may, a few conclusions have been proposed with the most mainstream expressing that red symbolizes the bravery and the affection for the Russian individuals; blue represents their dedication and genuineness while white represents candor and honorability of the Russian residents.

The Russian government established a holiday in 1994 to be set apart on August 22 every year to check the significance of the national banner. Regardless of the status of the day as a holiday, employees are still expected to report to work.

Russia occupies more area than any other country on earth. According to estimates from 2018, Russia has approximately 144,526,636 people who make the 9th highest population in the world. Flags have played a significant part in Russia's and one of the most easily recognizable in the world.